Cearcaill Ceo
A fond look back at the Lewis car rally culture in the 70s and 80s. (R).

Na Clangers
4/52 Granaidh Clanger loves to knit and to be useful. (R).

8/26 What's a 'boomerang' and where would be the best place to throw one? (R).

36/52 Tha co-ogha MhicÌomhair, Mà nas, air chèilidh. MacÌomhair’s cousin, Mà nas, is visiting. (R).

Ladybird & Bee/Daolag-bhreac is Seillean
18/26 Tha cunntadh glè spòrsail. Counting is great fun. (R).

Cleasan Ataidh & Tilidh/The Adventures of Abney & Teal
32/52 Abney and Teal construct a dragon. (R).

99/100 Sarah Cruickshank reads Meesha a’ dèanamh Charaidean. (R).

The Deep/An Doimhne
13/13 Dè tha Alpheus Benthos ris an-diugh? What’s Alpheus Benthos up to?

Alba Eagalach
1/8 The CBBC ALBA team takes a sideways look at some Scottish myths and legends. (R).

An Saoghal Droil aig Pol Ploc/The Rubbish World of Dave Spud
23/26 Tha Pòl airson na drumaichean ionnsachadh. Dave wants to learn to play the drums. (R).

An Saoghal Droil aig Pol Ploc/The Rubbish World of Dave Spud
24/26 Dave and Fuzzypeg the dog get dirty playing at the local dump. (R).

Bus Ghlaschu/Glasgow Bus
3/4 Lorraine MacIntosh shares her connections to Donegal on the Glasgow bus. (R).

24/26 Calum Maclean is at Rosal Clearance Village in Mackay Country, Sutherland. (R).

Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA.

Gà rraidhean Mòra
3/8 Mairi Rodgers explores Scotland’s most exotic garden: Logan Botanic Garden. (R).

Florence Nightingale A’ Chiad Nurs
1/2 The life of Florence Nightingale, a source of inspiration for generations of nurses. (R).

Rurachd (Foraging)
2/6 Mà iri Anna is Liusaidh a’ rùrachd mun chladach. Mary Ann and Lucy forage by the sea.

2/4 Sketch show featuring the latest TikTok sensation and a visit from an angel. (R).

Alistair MacLean: An Sgeulaiche
Alistair MacLean, the Gaelic-speaking international best-selling author, revealed. (R).

Transatlantic Sessions
6/6 Julie Fowlis and Muireann Nic Amhlaoibh present highlights from Transatlantic Sessions. (R).

Transatlantic Sessions
6/6 Julie Fowlis and Muireann Nic Amhlaoibh present highlights from Transatlantic Sessions. (R).

Treubh an Tuathanais (Big Barn Farm)
15/20 Tha cuideigin a’ goid a’ bhainne. Someone is stealing the milk. (R).

Boban is Fuigheag
4/40 Tha Fuigheag na bhoil an-diugh! Fuigheag is so excited today! (R).

Na Clangers
5/52 Tha co-là breith Granaidh Clangair ann. It’s Granny Clangair’s birthday. (R).

33/104 Tha Bing 's Coco feuchainn ri bhith eagallach. Bing and Coco try to be scary. (R).

34/104 Tha dèideag ùr aig sgoil-altraim Amma. There's a new toy at Amma's creche. (R).

22/26 Petit is happy to be the star of the school play. (R).

100/100 Calum MacAmhlaigh a’ leughadh Glan às do dhèidh. Calum Macaulay reads Glan às do dhèidh! (R).

Belle and Sebastian
29/52 Tha Lynette a' cur Elaina ann an cunnart. Lynette places Elaina in danger. (R).

Belle and Sebastian
30/52 When Cameron comes across a black eagle’s egg, he wants to keep it for himself. (R).

Clann Na Cruinne
7/9 Tha Ryuji airson rakugo fheuchainn. Ryuji wants to try rakugo, a form of storytelling. (R).

Proiseact Ploigh
5/15 Including features on cross pollination, dry ice and resonance rings. (R).

Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA.

Scottish Women's Premier League (BBC ALBA)
Celtic welcome Glasgow City in a top-of-the-table clash in the SWPL.

Fraochy Bay
8/10 Ina and Jessie go on holiday to relax, but find some strange goings-on in the woods! (R).

Rurachd (Foraging)
2/6 Mà iri Anna is Liusaidh a’ rùrachd mun chladach. Mary Ann and Lucy forage by the sea. (R).

Slighe na Cuimhne
3/3 The spotlight is on Rickie Lee Jones, whose musical career has spanned four decades. (R).

3/4 Featuring Ciorstaidh Beaton, Eric Bibb, Loudon Wainwright III, KĂla and Joshua Burnside. (R).

3/4 Featuring Ciorstaidh Beaton, Eric Bibb, Loudon Wainwright III, KĂla and Joshua Burnside. (R).

36/52 Tha co-ogha MhicÌomhair, Mà nas, air chèilidh. MacÌomhair’s cousin, Mà nas, is visiting. (R).

Treubh an Tuathanais (Big Barn Farm)
15/20 Tha cuideigin a’ goid a’ bhainne. Someone is stealing the milk. (R).

Oscar & Ealasaid
21/26 Boléro hits his head and can't remember anything! (R).

Cleasan Ataidh & Tilidh/The Adventures of Abney & Teal
32/52 Abney and Teal construct a dragon. (R).

Na Clangers
6/52 An odd thing has landed on the planet. It's like an egg and a robot - an eggbot perhaps? (R).

Belle and Sebastian
29/52 Tha Lynette a' cur Elaina ann an cunnart. Lynette places Elaina in danger. (R).

Belle and Sebastian
30/52 When Cameron comes across a black eagle’s egg, he wants to keep it for himself. (R).

Clann Na Cruinne
7/9 Tha Ryuji airson rakugo fheuchainn. Ryuji wants to try rakugo, a form of storytelling. (R).

Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA.

Kara Hanlon: Dare to Dream
Stornoway swimmer Kara Hanlon attempts to qualify for the 2024 Paris Olympics. (R).

Julie Fowlis | Ceòl aig Baile
3/4 CĂ irdeasan ciĂąil Ă s an Eilean Sgitheanach. Music collaborations from the Isle of Skye. (R).

Togaidh Sinn Fonn
5/9 A selection of Scotland's best musicians and singers. (R).

11/12 A poem important to Rosemary Ward. DĂ n a tha cudromach do Rosemary Ward. (R).

11/12 The last remaining inhabited blackhouse on the Scottish mainland is rethatched. (R).

Mach a Seo!
4/9 Ramsay explores the north of Mull before hopping on the ferry to Ardnamurchan. (R).

Garradh Phadruig
6/6 It’s the end of season but Peter's still busy in the garden and Joy Dunlop comes to visit. (R).

4/4 Featuring ĂŤmar, The East Pointers, Georgia CĂ©cile and Ainsley Hamill.

Florence Nightingale A’ Chiad Nurs
1/2 The life of Florence Nightingale, a source of inspiration for generations of nurses. (R).

Rurachd (Foraging)
2/6 Mà iri Anna is Liusaidh a’ rùrachd mun chladach. Mary Ann and Lucy forage by the sea. (R).

2/2 Continuing the celebration of 100 years of Scottish music with a star-studded line-up. (R).

7/17 Blue Rose Code aig Belladrum, 2022. Blue Rose Code at Belladrum, 2022 (R).

Kara Hanlon: Dare to Dream
Stornoway swimmer Kara Hanlon attempts to qualify for the 2024 Paris Olympics. (R).

Scottish Women's Premier League (BBC ALBA)
The race for the SWPL title gathers pace as Rangers host Hearts at Ibrox Stadium.

SPFL Challenge Cup
4/4 The SPFL Trust Trophy Cup final is live on BBC ALBA from the Falkirk Stadium.

Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA.

Seachd LĂ
Local, national and international news from BBC ALBA.

Julie Fowlis | Ceòl aig Baile
3/4 CĂ irdeasan ciĂąil Ă s an Eilean Sgitheanach. Music collaborations from the Isle of Skye. (R).

Gà rraidhean Mòra
3/8 Mairi Rodgers explores Scotland’s most exotic garden: Logan Botanic Garden. (R).

Slighe Chladach Fiobha (Fife Coastal Path)
2/5 Iagan MacNeil sees the magnificent Forth Bridges up close. (R).

An t-Uisge/Rain Stories
2/3 Rain’s effect on our culture - including a frog wedding in India. (R).

Ceol is Cradh
Mischa MacPherson looks at mental health struggles in the music industry. (R).

Slighe na Cuimhne
3/3 The spotlight is on Rickie Lee Jones, whose musical career has spanned four decades. (R).

Slighe na Cuimhne
3/3 The spotlight is on Rickie Lee Jones, whose musical career has spanned four decades. (R).

33/104 Tha Bing 's Coco feuchainn ri bhith eagallach. Bing and Coco try to be scary. (R).

34/104 Tha dèideag ùr aig sgoil-altraim Amma. There's a new toy at Amma's creche. (R).

Boban is Fuigheag
5/40 Tha Boban a' dol air misean! Tweedy is going on a mission! (R).

Boban is Fuigheag
6/40 Tha Boban trang a’ sgioblachadh an-diugh. Boban is busy tidying today. (R).

37/52 Tha gà irnealaireachd ri dhèanamh an-diugh. There’s gardening to be done today. (R).

8/26 What's a 'boomerang' and where would be the best place to throw one? (R).

Ladybird & Bee/Daolag-bhreac is Seillean
16/26 Tha Seillean air bhioran an-diugh. Seillean is excited today. (R).

1/20 Debbie Mackay reads A’ Chiad Latha aig Cailleach-oidhche Bheag. (R).

Belle and Sebastian
31/52 Tha leabhar-latha Chaspair là n fiosrachaidh. Caspar’s journal is full of information. (R).

Belle and Sebastian
32/52 Tha rèis dhan bhà rr dol bhith ann! A race to the peak is happening! (R).

Bogaisean is Gumbalan/Bottersnikes and Gumbles
44/52 The Gumbalan are learning about Gum Fu today. (R).

The Deep/An Doimhne
13/13 Dè tha Alpheus Benthos ris an-diugh? What’s Alpheus Benthos up to? (R).

Cur is Dluth
Cloe yearns for family unity, but life's challenges threaten to separate everyone. (R).

Binneas - Na Trads
4/7 Amy Laurenson and band recorded at the Trad Awards in 2023. (R).

26/26 Calum Maclean visits Glen Affric National Nature Reserve. (R).

Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA.

Cidsin Granaidh Chalanais
4/4 Gregor makes his grannie’s recipes for gingerbread and classic Scottish tablet. (R).

10/13 Cathy MacDonald investigates Gaelic poetry. (R).

1/5 Tha cuirm nan cearc aig Mà iri là n plòidh. Mà iri’s hen do leads to a night of surprises. (R).

16/18 Eòrpa examines the most important stories from across Europe and the UK. (R).

12/17 Highlights from Belladrum, 2022, including Hannah Rarity and Calum MacPhail. (R).

2/4 Sketch show featuring the latest TikTok sensation and a visit from an angel. (R).

2/4 Sketch show featuring the latest TikTok sensation and a visit from an angel. (R).

37/52 Tha gà irnealaireachd ri dhèanamh an-diugh. There’s gardening to be done today. (R).

9/26 Ela is very tired today, but is she too exhausted to play the word game? (R).

Meaban and Moo
4/10 Tha Meaban is Moo a' lorg rionnagan. Meaban and Moo are looking for stars. (R).

Cleasan Ataidh & Tilidh/The Adventures of Abney & Teal
33/52 Abney, Teal and Neep make mysterious noises on a misty day.

Ladybird & Bee/Daolag-bhreac is Seillean
18/26 Tha cunntadh glè spòrsail. Counting is great fun. (R).

Oscar & Ealasaid
21/26 Boléro hits his head and can't remember anything! (R).

2/20 Cailean Collier reads A’ Chearc Bheag Uaine. (R).

An Saoghal Droil aig Pol Ploc/The Rubbish World of Dave Spud
25/26 Dave’s first ever plane journey doesn’t quite go to plan. (R).

An Saoghal Droil aig Pol Ploc/The Rubbish World of Dave Spud
26/26 Dave has to keep an eye on Gran while the rest of the Spuds pay a visit to the doctor. (R).

Alba Eagalach
2/8 The CBBC ALBA team takes a sideways look at the life of Mary Queen of Scots. (R).

An Teaghlach Rìoghail an Ath-dhoras/The Royal Next Door
47/52 There’s much suspicion when the King appears at football without his crown. (R).

An Teaghlach Rìoghail an Ath-dhoras/The Royal Next Door
48/52 Chan eil picnic sa phà irc ciùin! A picnic in the park isn’t cool! (R).

Bus Ghlaschu/Glasgow Bus
4/4 A look at the bus connections between Donegal and Glasgow. (R).

25/26 June Graham drops in on Joy in the studio. (R).

Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA.

Slighe Chladach Fiobha (Fife Coastal Path)
3/5 Exploring from Dysart to Elie. A’ siubhal bhon Dìseart gu Ealaidh. (R).

An t-Uisge/Rain Stories
3/3 Anne Lundon explores rain’s value to communities around the world. (R).

10/13 Cathy MacDonald investigates Gaelic poetry. (R).

5/13 Drama Gà idhlig stèidhichte ann an Leòdhas. Gaelic soap set on the Isle of Lewis. (R).

11/12 A poem important to Rosemary Ward. DĂ n a tha cudromach do Rosemary Ward. (R).

1/6 A special acapella quartet performs Mol do Dhia le Buidheachas is Sòlas. (R).

1/6 A special acapella quartet performs Mol do Dhia le Buidheachas is Sòlas. (R).

Oscar & Ealasaid
22/26 Screams are heard from Mrs Tulipe's home, she saw a rat hanging around her house! (R).

Meaban and Moo
4/10 Tha Meaban is Moo a' lorg rionnagan. Meaban and Moo are looking for stars. (R).

Boban is Fuigheag
5/40 Tha Boban a' dol air misean! Tweedy is going on a mission! (R).

Boban is Fuigheag
6/40 Tha Boban trang a’ sgioblachadh an-diugh. Boban is busy tidying today. (R).

Gasta a' Ghraineag/Happy the Hoglet
7/26 Tha na sgòthan glas is greannach an-diugh. The clouds are grey and grumpy today. (R).

Treubh an Tuathanais (Big Barn Farm)
15/20 Tha cuideigin a’ goid a’ bhainne. Someone is stealing the milk. (R).

3/20 Eoghan MacDonald reads Anns a' Ghà rradh Ghrinn Dhìomhair. (R).

Clann Na Cruinne
8/9 Tha Savvas airson bĂ ta a thogail. Savvas wants to build a boat.

Proiseact Ploigh
6/15 Dr Moiteil and Professor Olive have fun with science. (R).

Bogaisean is Gumbalan/Bottersnikes and Gumbles
44/52 The Gumbalan are learning about Gum Fu today. (R).

Alba Eagalach
2/8 The CBBC ALBA team takes a sideways look at the life of Mary Queen of Scots. (R).

Cur is Dluth
Cloe yearns for family unity, but life's challenges threaten to separate everyone. (R).

Binneas - Na Trads
4/7 Amy Laurenson and band recorded at the Trad Awards in 2023. (R).

26/26 Calum Maclean visits Glen Affric National Nature Reserve. (R).

Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA.

Lios Mhairi/Mairi’s Hebridean Garden
1/5 Mairi’s back at work in her island garden, seeking inspiration from other keen growers.

Dealbh Fraoich: A Portrait of Heather
Comharrachadh beatha Fhraoich Nic an Deòir. A celebration of artist, Heather Dewar. (R).

Na Trads: An Tobar
1/8 Robert Robertson presents music from the Trad Awards archives. (R).

1/5 Tha cuirm nan cearc aig Mà iri là n plòidh. Mà iri’s hen do leads to a night of surprises. (R).

Alistair MacLean: An Sgeulaiche
Alistair MacLean, the Gaelic-speaking international best-selling author, revealed. (R).